Focus: Bitnob_official

Tweeted on Wed May 8, 2:30:45 CEST 2024

New tweet - Cumulated score: 0 - Onfire score: 1 (1)

#1 - Click to see the next tweet

Accounts mentioned multiple times in recent tweets

Hashtags mentioned multiple times in recent tweets

Sources mentioned multiple times in recent tweets


What is Trustter about?

What you see here is @natcparis's pet project. Mainly centered around Twitter account profiling, and... having fun coding things. Future directions might include:

  • Provide extensive profile analysis of a Twitter account;
  • Help identify the level of credibility of a given account's followers;
  • Help discover Twitter accounts that match your interests (that was the purpose of TwitterFav 10 years ago);
  • Create a platform to thank other users for their actions;
  • a lot more things.

What are the latest developments?

0.019 - Added friends and latest favorites, thus generating Prefered accounts - 2019/04/18

Also note that there is a test version using /test/?xxx (hopefully similar to the production version most of the time), and a version to just get the json of an account using /getjson/?xxx

How do I use Trustter?

In your browser URL field, enter a URL in the form where "xxxx" matches a valid (and not private) Twitter account, e.g.:

Alpha status

Trustter is currently in Alpha. As an exploratory project, it has no intent to be responsive nor suited for mobiles.

List of currently applicable tags


Account verified by Twitter.

Low activity

The last 200 tweets have been posted over more than 6 days.

Mostly new tweets

At least 40% of the tweets are a standard status message.

Mostly quotes

At least 40% of the tweets quote another tweet.

Mostly retweets

At least 40% of the tweets simply retweet another message.

Mostly answers

At least 40% of the tweets are an answer to another message.

Long silent periods

There's been no tweets for at least a consecutive 3 days and 8 hours.

On fire

Published a series of at least 10 tweets seperated by less than 2 minutes from each other.

Low tweet frequency

All latest 200 tweets are seperated from each other by at least 1 hour.

Numerous mentions

Ratio of accounts mentioned per tweet > to 0.75.

Numerous hashtags

Ratio of hashtags per tweet > to 0.25.

Numerous sources

Ratio of sources listed per tweet > 0.15.

Very few mentions

Ratio of accounts mentioned per tweet < to 0.10.

Very few sources

Ratio of sources listed per tweet < 0.025.

Very few hashtags

Ratio of hashtags per tweet < to 0.015.

Very low follower co...

This account's followers count is below 10+number of months of existence.

High followers count

This account's followers count is higher than number of months of account existence * 100 but lower than 500,000.

Huge followers count

This account's followers count is higher than 500,000.

Followers deficit

This account has more follows than followers.

Lots of followers bu...

(coming soon, TBD) Will highlight that the account has a lot of followers, but low ratio of reactions.


Created 661 months ago

Followers: - Following:

Number of tweets:

Followers score: 0 - Reaction score: 0

Performance index: 0

Very few mentions
Very few hashtags
Very few sources
Mostly new tweets
Very low followers count